Using the No Bids search criteria to find different results

We’ve had a few requests so thought we’d share some examples of searches using the eBay No Bids tool.

The examples below provide information about how we have used the search function to see results using various search criteria. You can click on the example links to see the results yourself.

Disclosure: As eBay Partners, we may be compensated by eBay if you make a purchase through any of the links found on this site.

No Bids eBay Search Example 1

The first is popular for finding very rare baseball related listings on eBay in the United States. The search criteria we use here is as follows

Country selection: United States
Category selection: Sports Mem & Fan Shop (Mem is short for Memorabilia)
Search Word or Phrase: baseball very rare

We haven’t selected any other criteria for this search. After clicking the search button we get these eBay listings with for baseball related memorabilia that are very rare and have not been bid on. Have a look at the search criteria we have used at the top of the page. You could change the search words to anything you wanted to find. For example you could use ‘basketball very rare‘ or if you wanted a specific player you could use ‘denis rodman‘ or ‘michael jordan‘. You know best what you want to find.

No Bids eBay Search Example 2

Our second example is used to find rare antiques that have no bids and are listed on eBay in the United Kingdom, with a maximum starting bid of £200.00

Country selection: UK
Category selection: Antiques
Search Word or Phrase: rare
Price Range: In the Max field we type 200.00 (note that we do not insert the currency sign)

We then click search to see rare antiques listed on eBay UK that have no bids.

uk antiques rare ebay no bids search

No Bids eBay Search Example 3

Our third example is to find rare stamps listed on eBay Australia that have no bids, with minimum bid of $2.00 and maximum of $1000.00. We have also selected a distance of 100km and inserted the postcode 2250. You will note there are less lsitings than our first examples as we have refined our search of eBay.

Country selection: Australia
Category selection: Stamps
Search Word or Phrase: rare
Price Range: In the Min field we type 2.00 and Max field we type 1000.00 (note again that we do not insert the currency sign)
Distance: selected within and 100 in the drowdown box and typed the postcode 2250

You will now see stamps and listings related to stamp collecting that have no bids on eBay Australia. These listings are located within a 200 kilometre radius of the zip/postcode 2250, and have a minimum starting bid of $2.00 and a maximum of $1000.00.

stamps with no bids listed on ebay australia

Experiment and have some fun

As you can see from the examples above, you can find some interesting items listed on eBay, some great bargains in various countries and with different criteria. Experiment with the No Bids search tool and see what you can find. It can even just be a lot of fun to see what sellers are listing on eBay.

If you have any questions or requests we would be happy to hear from you.