We were alerted to some issues with the search filters on the Misspelled eBay Search Tool and the No Bids Search Tool by one of our regular users. We thank Zach for his feedback which is very important to us as we want to offer the best experience for all. We are happy to hear from any of our site users when they come across an issue.

Unfortunately eBay make regular and many times unexpected changes to their system and we cannot always keep up with them. With your help we can track down problems quickly and do our best to fix them quickly.

Misspelled Search Update

We believe we have now fixed the issues with the filters on the Misspelled Search tool. We have also added the eBay site for Germany to the list of countries available for searching. On some devices results will be mixed when using the filters due to eBay functions which are out of our control, but overall your searches can now be more precise with improvement to the following:

  • Deadline filter (how long an eBay listing has until it finishes)
  • Now or Action filters (choose if you want to see just auction or buy now listings, leave unchecked to see both)
  • PayPal filter – find only items which can be purchased using PayPal
  • Exclude These Words filter – insert words you do not want to include in your search results (if you were searching for batman you could exclude barman)
  • Search Title & Descriptions filter – allows to to search deeper in listings
  • Bids filter – These are very good filters to use if you wanted to find misspelled items with no bids or that are receiving a lot of bids
  • Price filter – filter by price minimum or maximum

Try some variations on the filters until you find the perfect combination for your needs. Be sure to put a tick in the box when using filters or they do not apply. If you do find a problem please let us know so we can fix it for you and all other users.

No Bids Improvements

We have attempted to improve the Free Shipping filter on the No Bids Search tool but due to eBay functions which we cannot control the improvements have been limited. We are sorry for this but it is out of our control. We will keep trying to improve the functionality but in the meanwhile expect some mixed results.

Let Us Know

If you find a problem with the search functions please let us know. We monitor the changes as closely as we can but cannot hope to duplicate the tens of thousands of different search patterns that our users employ to find those hidden gems on eBay. If our users let us know we will always do our best to fix and improve our current search tools.

If you have an idea about a search tool we would also like to hear from you. We can be contact here.